Our company has an ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certificate. We are extremely cautious in safeguarding the information we have been given, including texts that involve personal information or articles that have not yet been published. Our editors and other workers comply to all our confidentiality rules and policies during the editing process.
The collected data are stored in a secure environment. We take numerous measures and precautions to prevent the inappropriate use, destruction, change or leaking of data, including any type of unauthorized access to the information we store, also ensuring our editors take these measures and act in a sensitive manner regarding customer data and confidentiality. Additionally, we follow all developments in the area of information security to ensure the protection of your information and documents.
As Kalite Editing Services, we use an industry-standard (64-bit SSL) or higher-level encryption methods for all confidential communication between your computer and our website.
Personal information
Personal information includes name, age, sex, address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, education, occupation, and all other types of information that describes an individual. Personal information cannot be collected without the permission of the individual concerned, and cannot be used for any other purpose than those listed below:

Personal information cannot be disclosed to third parties in any form without the consent of the individual concerned except regarding legal requirements. You can contact us if you wish to change your information.